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Contact Info

1221 West Chester Pike
Havertown, PA 19083


Phone System installation and repair, Voice Mail programming and consulting

Phone Systems play the most crucial part in your business connecting you with your clients and customers. When it comes to phone system installation, only the most qualified business personnel will do. At Vortex America we have a huge network of business phone system installation & repair professionals ready to service your needs . All of our service technicians are highly qualified and experienced in phone system installation. Installation of phone systems are fast and simple with Vortex America, if you need a service contract or just a one time repair, we will do it all. You may write an e-mail, or call 610-994-3324 telling us the details of what type of service you need done, such as wireless, DSL, T1 or just telephones, voice mail systems, expansion modules and one of our project managers will go over the specifics of your needs. To view some of our new systems click the links on the left
No more calling voicemail, entering your password. Getting hung up on having to call back into voice mail renter your password, etc etc etc. Introducing visual voice mail available with vortex America phone system, all your companies voice mails right on your mobile device. Access voice mail with the push of a button with hands free speakerphone.